• what type of payments do you accept?

    We accept payment via cash, check, venmo, paypal, and credit card. All credit card payments will be charged a 3% processing fee

  • Do you offer organic fertilizer and weed killer?

    Yes we do offer an organic fertilizer program, but we still use chemical pesticides with these applications. We have not found an effective organic replacement for weed killer.

  • How often should I water my lawn?

    This is by far the question I am asked the most, and I’m sorry to say there is no right answer. Your lawn is out in the environment so the answer to this question has everything to do with the current weather and composition of your lawns soil. If your lawns soil composition ha a lot of sand you may need to water more than another house in the neighborhood that has more clay in the soil.

  • When should I overseed my lawn?

    By far the best time of year to seed your lawn is in fall. Spring is the second best time of year to seed due to the preemergent crab grass control product that we all use in spring to prevent crabgrass from germinating in late June early July. This preemergent product will also stop your grass seed from germinating. It is also important to take into consideration when the last time weed killer was used on your lawn because this can also interfere with grass seed.

  • Should I aerate my lawn?

    Most lawns will benefit from an annual core aeration. Lawns need air, water, and nutrients (fertilizer) to thrive. Aeration, aerates the lawn, by pulling all those little plugs you see left behind on the lawn after the job is finished. The holes that are left behind by the aeration machine provide a great spot for air and water to reach the roots of the lawn. Aeration is also great for compacted soil like soil with a high amount of clay.

  • Which is better sod or seed?

    Both sod and seed can create a beautiful lawn, it’s just all about expectations. Sod is great for people that want an instant result. Commercial sod is mostly bluegrass so it does not tend to grow well in dense shade areas like next to the home or under tree cover. Seed can look just as great as sod given time and patience. Seed tends to be a much better option for shade dense areas because they have seed varieties that are made to grow in shade.

  • Should I dethatch or power rake my lawn?

    Thatch is an important part of your lawns ecosystem. A lawn needs thatch to thrive. I do not recommend dethatching your lawn annually. Personally I have not seen many cases where a lawn could benefit from dethatching, except when the lawn is very thick. I usually recommend aeration over dethatching.

  • how often should I mulch my flower beds?

    We recommend mulching your flower beds annually for landscape aesthetics.